Prairie Faith is an active, rural, community church with a true desire to serve God by growing more and more spiritually every day; and making a lasting difference to your life, in the lives of the people around us, and the world. Uncharacteristic of many rural churches, Prairie Faith is a growing congregation of young families with children, teens, mature adults, and an older generation of family units from various denominations.
First and foremost as a Christian church, we gather for worship in mutual love and submission under the Lordship of Jesus Christ, God’s Word, and the Holy Spirit…not a denomination. The worship style at Prairie Faith always invites the Holy Spirit to lead and minister to the people. Our biggest mission is to teach and preach the Gospel bringing as many people as we can to salvation through faith in Jesus Christ in truth, love, and honest relationships with Him and each other. We are a church who is led by the Holy Spirit, who relies heavily on prayer and the inerrant word of God; and we keep our focus on Jesus who is our Lord and Savior.
The Prairie Faith Family supports our local high school and elementary school with outreach programs called Prairie PACK and Prairie Kids. Through volunteers who have a heart and gift for teaching children, we invest ourselves in relationships with our students as we encourage them to personally discover who the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are; and explore a life long journey walking out their faith with Jesus. As impelling Christians we take as gospel the sustaining teaching of God’s Word to heart through continuing education in our Adult Education Group. Adults, along with volunteer leaders, seek to discover God’s plan for each of us.
Our doors are wide open to people from all walks of life regardless of where they are on their spiritual journey. So wherever YOU are, YOU are welcome HERE. More importantly, GOD WELCOMES YOU!